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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Update on teaching aids for (small) toddlers

I wanted to update this blog on our successes and/or failures with the teaching aids/activity books we bought back in 2011.

Here is my original post

The Brain Quest series was a success he adored the My First Brain Quest (when he was 2 years old) and quickly surpassed it and we bought Brain Quest for Threes.  I also bought the Write & Erase Alphabet Set and Write & Erase Numbers but they were a bit too advanced for him at age 2.   We will go back and use these now since he is 3 years old.

We also bought some Kumon Series Books.  We tried Kumon Tracing Book for 2, 3 and 4 year olds when he was 2.5 years old.  He did well with the simple straight lines and a few curves.  Recently I brought out the book and he was able to complete almost the entire book in 2 hours time!  He can now make lines, curves and even x's +'s and the letter H! 

This is why I stated we will go ahead and try Brain Quest's Write & Erase Alphabet and Number Sets.  He is really starting to write and draw things that make sense ;-)

So in summary...buying these workbooks at age 2 is a bit too young.  But 2.5/3 years old is really a good time.  My son recently started Maternelle (aka preschool here in France starts at 3 years old).  By the end of the school year he will learn how to write his name!  So we are practicing with him at home.  I am also worried about his English Language skills so since he is getting so many hours of French.  I will need to find some supplemental workbooks English when we are in the US again in 6 months time.  If anybody has any recommendations please feel free to comment. 

I read to him daily so if you have any good book rec's pass them along also.  I am always looking to stock up while we are home.  But is always a good source for English books as well (more $$ but hey...the cost of an extra bag or the weight limit probably is more!). 


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